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(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>References in Print
>>English K

References in Print -- English K

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Knight, Paul Graham Turner 1998. Henry V and the conquest of France 1416-53. ISBN 185532699x
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Knobloch, Edgar 2007. Russia & Asia: Nomadic & oriental traditions in Russian history. ISBN 9789622177857
Knox, Kristin 2011. Culture to catwalk: How world cultures influence fashion. ISBN 1408130718
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Kolås, Åshild Monika P Thowsen 2005. On the margins of Tibet: Cultural survival on the Sino-Tibetan frontier. ISBN 0295984813
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Kolodny, Annette 2012. In search of first contact: The Vikings of Vinland, the peoples of the Dawnland, and the Anglo-American anxiety of discovery.  ISBN 9780822352860
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Konnert, Mark 2006. Early modern Europe: The age of religious war, 1559-1715. ISBN 9781442600041
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Konstam, Angus & Tony Bryan 2002. Mississippi River gunboats of the American Civil War 1861-65. ISBN 1841764132
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Konstam, Angus & Peter Bull 2006. The forts of Celtic Britain. ISBN 0846030641
Konstam, Angus & Peter Dennis 2008. British forts in the age of Arthur. ISBN 9781846033629
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Konstam, Angus & Roger Michael Kean 2011. Pirates: Predators of the seas. ISBN 1616082704
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Krenn, Peter 2001. The Landeszeughaus of Graz. 2e. ISBN 8870097544
Krentz, Peter 2010. The battle of Marathon. ISBN 0300177666
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Krochmal, Max 2016. Blue Texas: The making of a multiracial Democratic coalition in the Civil Rights era. ISBN 9781469661513
Kroeber, AL & CB Kroeber 1973. A Mojave War reminiscence 1854-1880. ISBN 0486281639
Krondl, Michael 2007. The taste of conquest: The rise and fall of the three great cities of spice. ISBN 9780345480842
Kropotkin, Peter 1995. Evolution and environment. ISBN 1895431441
Kryza, Frank T 2006. The race for Timbuktu: In search of Africa's city of gold. ISBN 9780060560652
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Kulikowski, Michael 2007. Rome's Gothic wars. ISBN 9780521608688
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Kupperman, Karen Ordahl 1993. Providence Island, 1630-1641. ISBN 0558763295
Kupperman, Karen Ordahl 2000. Indians & English: Facing off in early America. ISBN 0801482828
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Kurlansky, Mark 1999. The Basque history of the world. ISBN 0140298517
Kurlansky, Mark 2006. The Big Oyster: History on the half shell. ISBN 9780345476395
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Kurstin, Joseph & Gilles Lorin 2006. The peacock's feather: Gentlemen's jewelry of old Japan. ISBN 1588860930
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Kyoto Costume Institute 2004. Fashion from the 18th to the 20th century. ISBN 3822838578
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