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>References in Print
>>English T

References in Print -- English T

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Turnbull, Stephen 2017. Ninja: Unmasking the myth. ISBN 1526796481
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Turnbull, Stephen Richard Hook 2006. Osaka 1615. ISBN 1841769606
Turnbull, Stephen & Richard Hook 2007. Pirate of the Far East 811-1639. ISBN 9781846031748
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Turnbull, Stephen & Angus McBride 1980. The Mongols. ISBN 0850453720
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Turnbull, Stephen & Steve Noon 2007. The Great Wall of China 221 BC-AD 1644. ISBN 9781846030048
Turnbull, Stephen & Giuseppe Rava 2010. Samurai women 1184-1877. ISBN 9781846039515
Turnbull, Stephen Wayne Reynolds 2001. Siege weapons of the Far East (1) AD 612-1300. ISBN 184176339x
Turnbull, Stephen & Wayne Reynolds 2002. Siege weapons of the Far East (2) AD 960-1644. ISBN 1841763403
Turnbull, Stephen & Wayne Reynolds 2002. Fighting ships of the Far East (1): China and Southeast Asia 202 BC-AD 1419. ISBN 1841763861
Turnbull, Stephen & Wayne Reynolds 2003. Fighting ships of the Far East (2): Japan and Korea AD 612-1639. ISBN 1841764787
Turnbull, Stephen Wayne Reynolds 2003. Japanese warrior monks AD 949-1603. ISBN 1841765732
Turnbull, Stephen & Wayne Reynolds 2003. Kawanakajima 1553-64. ISBN 1841765627
Turnbull, Stephen & Wayne Reynolds 2003. Mongol warrior 1200-1350. ISBN 184176583x
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Turner, Vernon Kitabu 2000. Soul sword: The way and mind of a Zen warrior. 2e. ISBN 1571741518
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